The products of "Our Village"
Our products meet the quality indicators set in the technological documentation and do not contain preservatives.
We control all production to make sure the product is of the right composition and quality.
Някои от симките на продуктите са илюстративни !
Цедено мляко 10% за сосове и салати
Surface: Smooth, shiny, without a noticeable layer of fat
Colour: White with a creamy tint
Type of coagulum: Dense, smooth, a slight tear is allowed when the package is tilted
Consistency: Uniform, homogeneous
Structure at incision: Smooth surface with low serum release
Taste and aroma: Pleasant milky-sour
Съхранение: при температура 2 до 4 градуса
Срок на годност: 45 дни
Цедено мляко 10% за сосове и салати
Surface: Smooth, shiny, without a noticeable layer of fat
Colour: White with a creamy tint
Type of coagulum: Dense, smooth, a slight tear is allowed when the package is tilted
Consistency: Uniform, homogeneous
Structure at incision: Smooth surface with low serum release
Taste and aroma: Pleasant milky-sour
Съхранение: при температура 2 до 4 градуса
Срок на годност: 45 дни
Кисело мляко - от стари времена
Повърхност: Гладка , чиста, с добре
оформена кора
Вкус: Приятен, умерено солен вкус, без
страничен привкус
Аромат: Специфичен, добре изразен аромат
на кашкавал
Консистенция при 16-18° С: Плътно
Цвят: Бледожълт до кехлибареножъл
Съхранение: при температура 2 до 4 градуса
Срок на годност: 9 месеца – след отваряне
до 7 дни
Опаковки: вакуум
Заквасена сметана
Повърхност: Гладка , чиста, с добре
оформена кора
Вкус: Приятен, умерено солен вкус, без страничен привкус
Аромат: Специфичен, добре изразен аромат на кашкавал
Консистенция при 16-18° С: Плътно еластична
Цвят: Бледожълт до кехлибареножъл
Съхранение: при температура 2 до 4 градуса
Срок на годност: 9 месеца – след отваряне до 7 дни
Опаковки: вакуум
Повърхност: Гладка , чиста, с добре
оформена кора
Вкус: Приятен, умерено солен вкус, без
страничен привкус
Аромат: Специфичен, добре изразен
аромат на кашкавал
Консистенция при 16-18° С: Плътно еластична
Цвят: Бледожълт до кехлибареножъл
Съхранение: при температура 2 до 4
Срок на годност: 9 месеца – след отваряне
до 7 дни
Опаковки: вакуум
Кисело мляко 2%, 3,6%, 4,5%
Състав: краве мляко.
Температура на съхранение: от 4оС до 24оС.
След отваряне съхранявайте в хладилник от 2оС до 6оС и използвайте в рамките на 3-4 дни.
Без консерванти!
Подходящ за консумация без варене!
Кисело мляко 2%, 3,6%, 4,5%
Състав: краве мляко.
Температура на съхранение: от 4оС до 24оС.
След отваряне съхранявайте в хладилник от 2оС до 6оС и използвайте в рамките на 3-4 дни.
Без консерванти!
Подходящ за консумация без варене!
Прясно мляко UHT 3,2%, 1.5%, 3.5%
UHT стерилизирано, хомогенизирано краве мляко наситен млечен аромат, подходящо за хора, които обичат богатия вкус на мляко в кафето си или при приготвянето на десерти.
Състав: краве мляко.
Температура на съхранение: от 4оС до 24оС.
След отваряне съхранявайте в хладилник от 2оС до 6оС и използвайте в рамките на 3-4 дни.
Без консерванти!
Подходящ за консумация без варене!
Кисело мляко
Homemade yoghurt with fudge
Surface: Smooth, shiny, without a noticeable layer of fat
Colour: White with a creamy tint
Type of coagulum: Dense, smooth, a slight tear is allowed when the package is tilted
Consistency: Uniform, homogeneous
Structure at incision: Smooth surface with low serum release
Taste and aroma: Pleasant milky-sour
Storage: at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees
Expiry date: 45 days
Packaging: 1 kg PVC bucket;
Cheese from cow's milk
Produced from 100% cow's milk, undergone technological treatment: addition of sourdough from lactic acid microorganisms, curdled with cheese yeast and undergone a ripening process.
Surface: Smooth, clean, with well-formed skin
Taste: Pleasant, moderately salty taste, no aftertaste
Aroma: Specific, well-expressed cheese aroma
Consistency at 16-18°C: Dense-elastic
Colour: Pale yellow to amber-yellow
Storage: at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees
Expiry date: 9 months - after opening up to 7 days
Packaging: from 200 g to 3 kg - vacuum
Cow's milk cheese
Our village cheese is made from 100% cow's milk, which is pasteurized, with the addition of sourdough from lactic acid microorganisms, curdled with cheese yeast, received the necessary technological treatment and underwent a ripening process.
Taste: thick, milky, characteristic
Aroma: buttery, cow's milk
Colour: white to creamy
Texture: medium-firm
Maturation: minimum 30 days
Storage: in a refrigerator 2 to 4 degrees
Expiry date: 6 months - after opening up to 7 days
Packaging: from 200 g to 0.800 g - vacuum;
Sheep's milk cheese
Sheep's cheese Our village is made from 100% sheep's milk, which is pasteurized, with the addition of sourdough from lactic acid microorganisms, curdled with cheese yeast, received the necessary technological treatment and underwent a ripening process.
Taste: thick, milky, characteristic
Aroma: buttery, cow's milk
Colour: white to creamy
Texture: medium-firm
Maturation: minimum 30 days
Storage: in a refrigerator 2 to 4 degrees
Expiry date: 6 months - after opening up to 7 days
Packaging: from 200 g to 0.800 g - vacuum;
Goat milk cheese
Goat cheese Our village is made from 100% pasteurized goat's milk, with the addition of sourdough from lactic acid microorganisms, curdled with cheese yeast, received the necessary technological treatment and underwent a ripening process.
Taste: thick, milky, characteristic
Aroma: buttery, cow's milk
Colour: white to creamy
Texture: medium-firm
Maturation: minimum 30 days
Storage: in a refrigerator 2 to 4 degrees
Expiry date: 6 months - after opening up to 7 days
Packaging: from 200 g to 0.800 g - vacuum;
Cow cheese in brine
Our village cheese is made from 100% cow's milk, which is pasteurized, with the addition of sourdough from lactic acid microorganisms, curdled with cheese yeast, received the necessary technological treatment and underwent a ripening process.
Taste: thick, milky, characteristic
Aroma: buttery, cow's milk
Colour: white to creamy
Texture: medium-firm
Maturation: minimum 30 days
Storage: at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees
Expiry date: 12 months - after opening up to 10 days
Packaging: 2 , 4 and 8 kg. PVC bucket;
White brine cheese - sheep
Our village sheep's cheese is made from 100% fresh sheep's milk that is pasteurized. Traditional Bulgarian sourdough, cheese yeast and salt are used. The ripening period is a minimum of 60 days.
Taste: thick, milky, characteristic
Aroma: buttery, sheep's milk
Colour: white to creamy
Texture: medium-firm
Maturation: minimum 60 days
Storage: in a refrigerator 2 to 4 degrees
Packaging: tin 800 g, 4 kg and 13.5 kg
Expiry date: strong> 12 months
White brine cheese - cow
Our Village Cow Cheese is made from 100% fresh cow's milk that is pasteurized. Traditional Bulgarian sourdough, cheese yeast and salt are used. The ripening period is a minimum of 60 days.
Taste: thick, milky, characteristic
Aroma: buttery, cow's milk
Colour: white to creamy
Texture: medium-firm
Maturation: minimum 60 days
Storage: in a refrigerator 2 to 4 degrees
Packaging: tin 800 g, 4 kg and 13.5 kg
Expiry date: strong> 12 months
White brine cheese - goat
Our Selo Goat Cheese is made from 100% fresh goat's milk that is pasteurized. Traditional Bulgarian sourdough, cheese yeast and salt are used. The ripening period is a minimum of 60 days.
Taste: thick, milky, characteristic
Aroma: buttery, goat's milk
Colour: white to creamy
Texture: medium-firm
Maturation: minimum 60 days
Storage: in a refrigerator 2 to 4 degrees
Packaging: tin 800 g, 4 kg and 13.5 kg
Expiry date: strong> 12 months